Wednesday, September 18, 2013

So I got a nasty surprise when I went to the gym. I weigh approximately 30 pounds more than I thought I did. Blame my tendency to wear Yoga pants for the fact that I didn't notice my ass ballooning out into my jeans. #frustrating #disheartening
But I am not going to let a few (see tens of) pounds discourage me. I got this.
I am on day three of not drinking soda, and have had only one headache. I am super happy about that. Caffeine headaches are the worst.
So My current weight is 264 pounds. MY GOD! I won't be checking back in with an update on that until 4 weeks are up. (sept. 16th) because it takes

4 weeks for YOU notice your body changing
8 weeks for your FRIENDS/FAMILY
and 12 weeks for the REST OF THE WORLD

Trying to keep that my mantra.

So I got to the gym where I started with the "12 minute ab work-out". I really felt the burn and about 20 seconds in on my first machine I started feeling the burn and I remember that I love that feeling. That feeling of working your muscles. Knowing you are doing something great for your body. That burn is why I want to keep this up.
A few of the "Stretching" machines were pretty terryifying and after trying for five minutes to figure it out I felt like a fool and simply moved on. I loved some of the machines, so I will have to just take those few that I enjoyed and make them part of a routine with some other ab machines. That way I will be able to mix in some arm and leg action. Like I said, this is a learning process for me. This work out felt a little choppy until I got onto the treadmill. I mean, how can you screw THAT up, right? I did a 40 minute work out.

For ten minutes I did an incline of 7 with a speed of 3.0. Not very fast, I know, but it was tough for me, and I was praying for each one of my 4 intervals to be over as quick as possible. (I tried to lose myself in Honey Boo Boo and American Idol but the burn was having none of that)  For my next ten minutes I lowered my incline to 4.5 but kept my pace. That was relatively easier. Then I left my incline as it was but bumped my speed up to 3.5. Whew! That was a LONG ten minutes,  I spent the last of my ten doing a gradual cool down. I felt amazing, and I can't wait to go again tomorrow. I am thinking I will deff be utilizing the "30 Minute Cardio" Station for days when Adam (my boyfriend) has off of work.



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