Monday, September 16, 2013

The first step is getting ready

This is it. No more excuses. If [she] can do it, I CERTAINLY can. Tomorrow I will be gathering my measurements and my current weight.
I will be the very first to admit that I don't have the slightest clue what I am doing, but I am going to try. Now, I don't want to say that I am on a diet or some exclusive work out regimen.  I am not. I am trying to change the shit out of my current lifestyle. I guess you could say that my "Plan" is to use all of the overwhelming resources that are available for females trying to lose some poundage. I am not one for fad diets and I take everything that I read in Self-Magazine with a grain of salt. I do not believe in the fabled "12 minute full work-out". I do not believe the "Get six pack abs in  30 days" posts on pintrest. The hardest part of my journey (I am going to predict) will be wading through all the bullshit. This is going to be a whole lot of trial and error. I am trying to find what is going to work for me in the long run. I am not trying to lose 30 pounds and stop working out. That, my friends, is the dreaded yo-yo dieting that I know you have all heard about in health class.
 The first of many changes that I plan to make to my diet are simple ones.
No more fast food (going to be a tough one considering my current living conditions)
No more soda, only water
No more "white" grains. Brown rice, and whole grains all the way

My biggest source of "FIT-spiration" will be pinterest (i just can't get enough)
As I go will post what I ate for the day, the recipe and where I found it, what kind of work-out that I did and how it makes me feel. I will also be updating my progress on designated days. I do not want to rely totally on the numbers on the scale or on the tag inside my jeans (although it will be fun to watch as those numbers get smaller). This is all about whipping my booty into shape so that I will be around a long time.

They say it takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing
8 weeks for friends and family 
and 12 weeks for the rest of the world

and while I said this is not a temporary thing, I am using those times to update my progress.

My 12 week kick-off to my new life style.

I cannot wait to get started.


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